5 Lines Fitness

Anna Martynova

Anna Martynova

Anna began studying with 5 Lines Fitness and the Feldenkrais Method in 2019. It allowed Anna to connect to the present and discover the habitual tension and fatigue that was robbing her of vitality, clarity of action and thought. At first, taking a sanctioned “break” during Feldenkrais class, after a long day in the office, led to a surprising resurgence of energy, lightness and increase in productivity….

Howard Thoresen

Howard Thoresen

Howard first encountered the Feldenkrais Method in a theater school many decades ago. The practice and philosophy was transformational to his approach to acting, directing, and teaching theater, and not incidentally to his lifelong practice of yoga. Decades later he became a Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner…

Meredith Markow

Meredith Markow

Meredith is a Waldorf teacher/Waldorf teacher trainer, Certified Enneagram Teacher, Somatic Inquiries Facilitator and Zen Buddhist … in recent years she has discovered the way Awareness Through Movement can help people change such seemingly ingrained patterns in the self-image. She is especially interested in the method's application as a way to redefine and improve chronic impairment and limitations even when these may be associated with diagnoses of chronic illness…

Shekinah-Glory Beepat

Shekinah-Glory Beepat

Shekinah-Glory began studying 5 Lines Fitness and the Feldenkrais Method in 2017. She was immediately caught off-guard by her improved physical insight and coordination and the resulting increase in her strength, speed, and stamina. Since then, Shekinah-Glory has embraced the Method to deconstruct patterns of movement and thought and to cultivate a nurturing learning environment within herself. She practices 5 Lines Fitness as a daily reminder that we are our most powerful when we enable and employ our full selves…